Jun 26
Karla Jones, Area Director
Dungarvin Oklahoma

Dungarvin Oklahoma Celebrates Growth and Achievements

Time really does fly when there is excitement, a sense of renewal, and growth in the air. It is hard to believe that we are already six months into 2015. There has been quite a bit of hustle and bustle in Oklahoma since January 1 for sure. Our first task of the year was … Read Full Post

May 07
Karla Jones, Area Director
Dungarvin Oklahoma

Resourceful and Determined to Meet Garth Brooks

Resourceful and determined describes Nathan P. It was not long after Nathan heard that Garth Brooks was going to be in concert in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that he starting making arrangements to go to the first of three performances. He loves concerts and goes to many, but when the concert was out of town, … Read Full Post

Jun 13
Karla Jones, Area Director
Dungarvin Oklahoma

Proud Moments in Oklahoma

Photo of Michelle Siegfried, Oklahoma DSP

In the midst of what seems to be complete chaos involving staff shortages, long hours and difficult transitions, there are still moments that make us sit back and reflect on all the positive things happening around us every day. These things often get overshadowed by our lengthy to do lists and our constant feeling … Read Full Post

Mar 14
Karla Jones, Area Director
Dungarvin Oklahoma

Career Day

I was both honored and flabbergasted when an employee came to me and asked if I would be interested in doing a presentation at her son’s school for career day. It was at her son’s request. I had met her son on several different occasions and I could not say no to the polite, … Read Full Post

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