Dec 17
Stephanie Jacobson, PR & Marketing Manager
Dungarvin Minnesota

Save the Date! MSSA Annual Conference & Expo

Dungarvin Minnesota will be attending and exhibiting at the 122nd MSSA Conference & Expo this coming March 24-27, 2015. MSSA is a leader in health and human service education and public policy. This year’s theme is “Dream, Believe, Achieve. We DARE You!” The conference blends keynote speakers, topic driven panels and workshops to provide attendees … Read Full Post

Dec 05
Jenn Meixell, Director
Dungarvin Minnesota

Minnesota’s Halloween Celebration with Dancing Pirates

Happy Pirates: Stock Image

Editor's Note: While we realize the winter holiday season is upon us, we always want to take a moment and share any and all celebrations and events we have had through the year, even if the season is over. Let's flash back to autumn.... I would like to thank everyone who participated in the … Read Full Post