Chris’ Vacation in Washington D.C.

Chris’ goal to visit the east coast finally came to fruition when he took a vacation in Washington D.C. earlier this year.
Chris receives host home supports in Dungarvin Colorado. For quite some time, one of Chris’ personal goals has been to go on a trip via an airplane. In 2019, he obtained a job through supported employment working at a pottery studio, making beautiful ceramics. With his newfound employment, Chris worked diligently to set aside money for his very own vacation. His hard work paid off in February 2020, when Chris was able to achieve his goal by traveling to Washington D.C. Accompanying Chris was his Host Home Provider, Prativa Malla.
The flight to Washington D.C. marked Chris’ first experience flying on an airplane. The airport and flight were an exciting adventure in and of itself; however, the plane ride had Chris feeling nervous and anxious. All in all, though, Chris is glad he experienced the flight.

While in Washington DC, Chris and Prativa enjoyed touring the city on foot and taking in the sites. They were able to visit the White House, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial.

While on this vacation, Chris wanted to see as many states as he could, so he and Prativa rented a car and took advantage of a couple of day trips. By doing this, they were able to visit both the states of Maryland and Virginia, as well as take advantage of a visit to the Chesapeake Bay Area. Here, they visited Sandy Beach State Park, Maryland, where Chris thrilled to see the Atlantic Ocean for his first time. While he enjoyed walking along the ocean and touching the water, he admitted that the water was quite cold at that time of year!

Chris enjoyed his vacation in Washington D.C. and surrounding areas so much that he is already looking forward to planning his next vacation. He’s still uncertain about airports and plane rides, though, so whether Chris will travel to his next vacation destination by plane or by car is still to be determined. He did say that he would like to visit the ocean again, but next time he said he’d plan the visit in warmer weather!
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