Join our Upcoming Meet and Greet in Ramsey County

Sep 12
Jeana Moreno, Administrative Assistant
Dungarvin Minnesota

For over four years Dungarvin has been developing and implementing Supportive Apartment services. We currently serve over 60 people throughout Anoka, Ramsey, Dakota, Washington, Hennepin, Wright, and Benton Counties in individual and shared apartment settings that we call Individualized Housing and Service Options.

We deliver these services where the person wants to live. We work closely with the person and their team to design services and supports that are appropriate for the specific needs of the person at that specific time. We are accustomed to changing and modifying service delivery as these needs change.

We have experience transitioning people from congregate service settings or their family home into more individualized, independent settings in apartments. We know how to educate and prepare people served, families, case managers, and other team members on what to expect as they research and pursue this model of support.

These services are designed to adapt to the increasing or decreasing needs of people who live in their own apartments. Services available include 24-hour emergency staff response with technology and supplemental support in areas including: budgeting, menu planning, grocery shopping, assistance with medical appointments, and additional areas as identified. Supported Apartment services are located throughout the metropolitan and greater MN area.

We hold a monthly meet and greet opportunity at one of our apartment locations for potential individuals to learn more about the people already living in this service option, to meet potential roommates and learn more about this alternative and if it might be a good fit for him or her. If you are interested in learning more about this service option please join us at our next meet and greet on Tuesday, September 16 from 4:00-6:00pm at Lakeshore Oaks. We do ask that you RSVP to Rosaline Allen at 651-699-6050, extension 5666.

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