First Ever Dungarvin Indiana Science Fair!

We are excited to announce the first ever Dungarvin Indiana Science Fair!
Here at Dungarvin Indiana we constantly strive to explore the unknown and reach for new heights; and that is exactly what we plan on doing at our Science Fair. Individuals and staff from all across Indiana will bring their science experiments and projects to Indianapolis on Wednesday April 12th at 1pm for our inaugural Dungarvin Indiana Science Fair. Here are all the details you need to know if you plan on attending.
The Dungarvin Indiana Science Fair will be held at the Indianapolis World Sport Park on Wednesday April 12th from 1pm to 3pm.
Submitting a project to the science fair
- Individuals and staff from all across Dungarvin Indiana are encouraged to submit projects as a group or individually. Groups can be no larger than 5.
- If you are submitting a project you must RSVP your space in the science fair no later than March 1st.
- You can RSVP your place in the science fair by calling the Dungarvin Indiana office at 317-926-3823.
- Indoor and outdoor experiments are welcome.
- Experiments that involve fire are not allowed.
- Safety first! Protective eye wear, gloves, and proper safety equipment are required during the science fair.
- The sky is the limit! Don’ be afraid to experiment and don’t be afraid to fail. Science is about trail and error.
- If you are submitting a project to the science fair, you must be able to explain why and how it works. Use poster board, diagrams, etc to help explain the details of your science experiment.

Help and resources for your science fair project
- Use your time with Dungarvin Indiana staff to have them help you with your science fair project.
- Check the Dungarvin Indiana Facebook page each week for mini science experiments for ideas, tips, tricks.
- Starting February 22nd Dungarvin Indiana Marketing Coordinator Marisa will be available each Wednesday from noon to 5pm to help you with your science fair project. You can reach Marisa at 317-910-4978 or by calling the Dungarvin Indiana office.
- Starting February 24th Dungarvin Indiana Marketing Manager Chris will be available each Friday from noon to 5pm to help you with your science fair project. You can reach Chris at 317-363-3420 or by calling the Dungarvin Indiana office.
Prizes for the best science fair projects
- Each person who attends the science fair will have a chance to vote for their top 3 favorite projects.
- The top 5 science fair projects will receive up to $50 in gift cards and prizes.
- The top science fair project will win a customized trophy and their choice of a $200 Simon Mall gift card, an annual pass to the Indianapolis Zoo, or an annual pass to The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

We are very excited to see all of the fun science experiments and projects that will be submitted to our first ever Dungarvin Indiana Science Fair! Remember, even if you are not submitting a project to the science fair you are still invited to attend and explore the awesome projects.
We encourage everyone in Dungarvin Indiana to take this opportunity to discover new things using science and their imagination. We look forward to seeing you at the Indianapolis World Sports Park on Wednesday April 12th at 1pm for our inaugural Dungarvin Indiana Science Fair!
Click here to check out our video announcement from the Dungarvin Indiana Facebook page.
Leah Gabbei,
I worked for Dungarvin Indiana for 10 years love to hear this good luck all
Lori Kress,
Very, very cool. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!