Dependable and determined to help: Wanda Wilkins, Foster Care Licensing Coordinator

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Feb 21
Coley Bergren, Social Media Specialist
Dungarvin National Central Office

Wanda Wilkins, Foster Care Licensing Coordinator, is a proud mother of three and grandmother of eight. She has been with Dungarvin since 2011, but her first job in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) field was in a group home where she worked with adults with dual diagnoses. While she’s been on this career path for more than 25 years, Wanda still reminds herself: “There is always something new and amazing to discover within this field!” Get to know her though ‘5 questions with Wanda Wilkins:’

1. Why do you have a passion for this work?

This field can be challenging yet rewarding at the same time, but I would not trade any of my experiences. My passion comes from the joy I get in helping and supporting others. It makes my heart smile if I can do something, little or big, to help others succeed or be a steppingstone to where they need to be or get to in life.

2. What is your most treasured possession?

My family photos. I value my family more than anything in this world. We have our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, it is family over everything.

3. What characteristic – or adjective – would people use to describe you?

One characteristic that people use to describe me is “dependable.” I am always willing and able to assist others, if I can. I try my best to be available to meet others’ needs.

4. What would you most like to see happen in your state to better serve people with disabilities?

I would like to see North Carolina better serve people with disabilities by offering more specialized services to meet their needs and for them to be treated as “people” not just “people with disabilities.”

5. Who are your heroes in life and why?

I have only one and that is my mother. My mother raised me and my sisters as a single parent. She taught me to be self-sufficient, independent, and not depend on others. She said, “no one gives you anything in life. You have to go out there, work hard and earn it!” And I think that was one of the most significant statements that she has ever said to me.

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