Both an educator and a learner: Ben Gualtieri, Technical Trainer

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May 01
Coley Bergren, Social Media Specialist
Dungarvin National Central Office

Although Ben Gualtieri’s role is that of a Technical Trainer, he is no stranger to supporting those with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Prior to joining our team, Ben was a music and technology teacher. “For years, I planned how to engage all students in music and technology learning, including our special education students,” said Ben. “I provided them an opportunity to learn with their peers and perform for their community.” Learn more about Ben through ‘5 questions with Ben Gualtieri:’

1. Why do you have a passion for this work – how so?

I like to describe myself as both an educator and a learner. Throughout my life, whenever there is an opportunity to try something new, the curiosity takes control and I dive in. Over time, after gaining knowledge in an activity or subject, my priorities switch and I want to share the experience with others. It must be the social butterfly in me, discovering new flowers in the garden then wanting to share that beauty with others. My role in Dungarvin allows me the ability to do just this. I enjoy digging through new applications I haven’t used before, using the lens of a beginner to craft the best possible approach to share the knowledge with others. As a learner, I’m addicted to the feeling of self-fulfillment after exiting a worthwhile training, notes in hand and ideas flowing through my mind, inspired to try something new. I hope to spark this feeling in others. I am excited to participate in virtual Town Halls with large audiences, presenting helpful and innovative information to our Dungarvin community.

2. What is your most treasured possession?

The older I get, the more I realize how lucky I have been to be given the family I have. My parents have grown with me over time, and I am so thankful for the relationship we have. They inspire me to have a family of my own someday and I look forward to sharing the love they have given me to my friends and future children.

3. What do you most value in a friend or a co-worker?

I value those who can make me laugh. We are professionals here and are good at what we do, and I value the collaboration that comes with my position, but if we can connect on a personal level through humor, it’s a bonus to me.

4. What characteristic – or adjective – would people use to describe you?

I jump back and forth between being a thinker and a doer. When searching for solutions my mind is in a philosophical state, searching for the best possible outcome or finding a deeper way to connect with someone on a personal level. People say I overthink, but they appreciate me for it. On the other hand when there is a task which needs completing, I flip the switch and become a doer. My brain thrives on a good checklist, which is how I organize most of my life. I have checklists everywhere, from my goals to my travel plans, to my to-do list at work. When given a list to complete, I enter my comfort zone.

5. What do you most value about the Dungarvin team with whom you work?

The Training Team within the IS department has really grown into itself this year. We all come from different backgrounds, leading to a refreshing mix of perspectives when we design and create our training resources. I’ve never been apart of a team that has grown this fast. A big reason for this is our innovative personalities. We all want to find the best approach to advise, enable, and support Dungarvin staff and we do this through outside thinking, consistent revisions, and trying new things. I value our ability to work together and support one another, ultimately helping each other grow as professionals and human-beings.

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